How to make effective blended learning

Make a smooth transition from traditional class education to blended learning and get a huge advantage.


Author: Philip Schönbaum, Easypiecylink ApS – E-learning & testing specialist since 2001.

Why put digital learning in the mix?

There’s many reasons to use digital learning as part of a physical class. It can evaluate each student and collect valuable statistical data or it can save a substantial amount of precious time. It can integrate result data with LMS systems and it can distract students in a potentially monotone class. It can also contribute to a more modern branding of your organization. There are truly many upsides to blended learning!

Start with digital learning when ….

… knowledge about the subject at hand is paramount. Learning the theory before a practical class would be a great example. Perhaps it would be a requirement that the user pass the online certification.

But where blended learning really gets into new territory is when you analyze the class results. Imagine knowing all weaknesses of your class before they even arrive! This will give you a chance to adjust and emphasize part of the curriculum accordingly.

More than the opportunity to analyze data you can also reduce the time consumed for the users and their organization. Before you might have had a 4 hour course with theory and practical learning, now you can cut it in half. The savings could be substantial.

sell e-learning online

End your course with digital learning when …

… you want to confirm that your audience actually understood the class. By validating the user’s identity and carefully setting up the criteria for passing you can trust the end result. Define particularly important parts of your certification to count more than others.

If the user does not pass the certification, then you can create follow up classes based on the result data. Perhaps sections of the certification are too important for the user not to understand. The certification acts as your insurance.

The class could also end with a diploma to finalize the course. Using Easypiecylink® the user can download a diploma upon completion or add it with one click to their CV on Linkedin.

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Constructing the optimal quiz

Constructing the optimal quiz

Quizzes can be made on many levels. But constructing an optimal professional quiz will require some well thought out planning and the right quiz-system.

Sell certification licenses through your network

Sell certification licenses through your network

If you’re contemplating to publish E-learning / certifications and sell your licenses through a network of dealers – then Easypiecylink® might be the platform you’ve been looking for!


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Drivingschool platform:
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Firstaid instructors: https://www.onlineførstehjæ
Easypiecylink platform:



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