Sell certification licenses through your network

If you’re contemplating to publish E-learning / certifications and sell your licenses through a network of dealers – then Easypiecylink® might be the platform you’ve been looking for!


Author: Philip Schönbaum, Easypiecylink ApS – E-learning & testing specialist since 2001.

If your organization is dealing in specialist knowledge where confirming / certifying the end users represents a value then Easypiecylink® is the platform for you. 

Since 2001 we’ve been specializing in building online systems for E-learning and specifically certifying / quizzing. We have become the market leader within the Danish driving school industry – a position our sister company still has. By now we’ve had well over 1 million users through our systems and 700 dealers in our network.

On the basis of our experiences, detailed knowledge and new technology we have created the Easypiecylink® platform. The platform supplies your organization with the ultimate flexibility for selling and distributing your content.

So here’s the main ways to distribute digital content on the Easypiecylink® platform:


  1. From your website (WordPress or API)
  2. From a dealer or cooperation partners website
  3. Link with a specific amount of certifications on it
  4. Open link with continuous end user activations
  5. Dealer (distributor) accounts who can use all options above
dealer network

Building your network with digital content

Very few E-learning platforms out there are made with building distribution networks in mind. Building your own solution can prove to be a big challenge not to mention the cost of maintaining the system! With the Easypiecylink® platform you get an out-of-the-box solution that can be configured in many ways.

The Easypiecylink® platform can be set up in levels:
⇢ content provider (you) ⇢ distributor ⇢ client
Extremely convenient when you want control of your license distribution. As the content provider you decide what content can be accessed by your distributor and you invoice the distributor. 

Short of creating your own customized solution Easypiecylink® will provide you with full control of your business and your license sales. Which is perhaps the most important experience we made building our own systems for the last 20 years. Flexibility and control is at the top of the list and it’s our pleasure to be able to provide that to your organization!

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Constructing the optimal quiz

Constructing the optimal quiz

Quizzes can be made on many levels. But constructing an optimal professional quiz will require some well thought out planning and the right quiz-system.


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Drivingschool platform:
Drivingschool students:
Firstaid instructors: https://www.onlineførstehjæ
Easypiecylink platform:



Easypiecy E-learning ApS
Toldbodgade 35
DK-1253 Copenhagen K, Denmark
CVR. No.: DK32648274

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