Sell certifications / E-learning online

As more and more IT businesses see the value in pursuing the new lucrative E-learning market, the market gets more cluttered. Here’s our take on how to monetize your certification / E-learning content.


Author: Philip Schönbaum, Easypiecylink ApS – E-learning & testing specialist since 2001.

Stay in control!

Most E-learning platforms today take the control from the content provider. One-stop shops like Udemy or Skillshare will provide you with all you need but it comes with a high price. First you have to obey their rules setting up your content, then you have to pay 30%+ commission and you have no control of the pricing – they can even discount your product anytime they want.

As most independent consultants and entrepreneurs know – control of your business is essential! That’s why most professionals do not gravitate towards the one-stop shop solution. Alternatives have been scarce though, unless you choose to build your own system. 

Easypiecylink® is built by content providers and for content providers. Using the platform leaves you with the control. You can sell the classes as you please – on a link or from your website. Invoicing and pricing is your business! The Easypiecylink® platform only takes a flat fee per certification. 


Here’s how it works


The Easypiecylink® platform can be used in numerous ways. Each client, collaboration partner or department has individual requirements that the platform can handle.

Example 1 – you have sold 300 certifications to a client:

On the Easypiecylink® platform you find the certification and create a clone for the client. The new certification can now be adapted with the clients logo and perhaps some specifics on the diploma. The certification will be limited to 300 users and you can publish and send the link to your client. Client is attached to the certification and can login to the result data module.

Example 2 – you have sold 25 certifications with sensitive content to a client:

The 25 user mobile numbers are inserted into the certification, so only these users have access. A simple link is delivered to the client.

Example 3 – you have a collaboration partner who wants to sell your certifications online:

Your collaboration partner needs to install a plugin (WordPress) on their website and then you’ll give them a guide and a unique API key. Now the collaboration partner can access the user result data on the Easypiecylink® platform and you can follow the sales and invoice accordingly.

Example 4 – you manage HR headquarters and you’d like to certify a specific department:

Attach the department on the certification on the platform. Now both you and the department can follow and analyze the result data.

sell e-learning online

Monetizing your content

The Easypiecylink® platform is not involved directly in how you monetize your content but only acts as a facilitator. Giving you flexible options to sell as you choose.

It will enable you to deal licenses like you were selling apples or potatoes – this many pieces at this price. At the same time it will enable you to sell online on your own website as well as collaboration partners websites. And of course it will give you the tool to integrate result data with most modern IT-systems.

The flexibility in the Easypiecylink® platform is key to monetizing your content. Selling on your clients terms and individual needs is perhaps the strongest salespoint you can provide!

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Drivingschool platform:
Drivingschool students:
Firstaid instructors: https://www.onlineførstehjæ
Easypiecylink platform:



Easypiecy E-learning ApS
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DK-1253 Copenhagen K, Denmark
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