Constructing the optimal quiz

Quizzes can be made on many levels. But constructing an optimal professional quiz will require some well thought out planning and the right quiz-system.


Author: Philip Schönbaum, Easypiecylink ApS – E-learning & testing specialist since 2001.

Quiz throughout the lecture

You want to confirm that the user was listening, not their long term memory skills. The user will feel more satisfied. Use the questions as a welcome distraction within the material and avoid that the users will doze off during the lecture.

There could be different opinions about this, but we would like to argue that quizzing users during the lecture instead of a longer quiz in the end is a better solution. 

Use the questions as a welcome distraction within the material and avoid that the users will doze off during the lecture. Some E-learning can tend to be monotone and a bit snoozy. The quiz will break up your content and keep the users on their toes.

You want to confirm that the user was listening, not their long term memory skills or cognitive skills. If you quiz the users at the end of the lecture then some users will confuse og mix up answers. Not because they didn’t understand the lecture but simply because their mind works best with one subject at a time.

Finally but not less important is the user experience. The user will look for the confirmation that they answered correctly. The satisfaction of getting that result immediately after answering is not to be underestimated! 


Be aware of the context & use of language

It might seem obvious but setting your questions in the right context is essential. If you set up questions that just slightly differ from the content the user has just seen it would be confusing. Make sure to be on point with matching content and questions always.

When constructing sentences and questions you need to be strict. Strict like a legal document. The purpose of the legal document is to leave no stone unturned and misunderstandings as little likely as possible – the quiz can be considered the same. People have very different perceptions of things that for some might be surprising. So including all users the legal language is a necessity. 

Example of typical language mistakes:

Question: “Which of the two objects in front of you react to temperature and when?”

Not a clear statement: “After a moment the red will react” (The user can be colorblind, a “moment” is not defining, the reaction is not defined)

Clear statement: “After 30 seconds the red object on the right will begin to glow”

So minding your language is a key part of the certification process and quizzing.

the optimal quiz

Identify and emphasize importance

Nobody knows your content like you. Therefore it should be a piece of cake for you to identify the most important points in the lecture. Carefully defining which points cannot be answered incorrectly and which ones are less important will create the right foundation.

On the Easypiecylink® platform you decide how many errors are allowed and if the user is allowed to try more than one time etc. But even more important than that you can set the amount of error on each section of the lecture.

An example could be that you allow 2 incorrect answers. In your certification process you have 5 lecture sections (video with questions). Two of these sections are essential for the basic understanding of your content so they will count 3 errors each. So if the user answers one of these essential sections incorrectly then the certification is not passed. The other sections are counting 0.25 errors each, so the user can answer all of them incorrectly and still pass.

Putting a grade on each section will leave you with a much more precise result and ensure only the qualified will pass.

Make the result clear

The user will be left unsatisfied if they do not know where and what was answered incorrectly. The user needs to be 100% clear if they passed or not.

Although you might have a clear view of the user result, then the user might see it differently. The user wants to know which questions were answered correctly and incorrectly and whether they passed or not.

If this information is not clear on the screen it will create a support issue. Users will call and write unnecessarily. So make sure the user can see their result for each section and the final result is crystal clear on the screen.

It’s not given that the user understands the result view. So by simply having everything clear a lot of precious support time and user frustration can be avoided.

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